Kingston now stands in the face of a new challenge. The United States, our nation’s largest trading partner, imposed sweeping tariffs on Canadian imports. These measures are both misguided and punitive, and they put our most vital sectors – manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism – especially at risk. Now is the time to act. Let me reassure you as a City, we are 100 per cent committed to supporting workers and businesses. We will protect our economy, continue to fight alongside the provincial and federal governments to minimize the impact of tariffs, and take important steps locally to defend our community.
That’s why I’ve announced a new Kingston Tariff Action Plan, which lays out three important steps we are going to take. First, the City is going to create a new ‘Made in Canada’ procurement policy that will exclude American companies from bidding on City contracts. As we encourage all Kingstonians to shop local and buy Canadian, the City will ensure we are supporting our economy as much as possible.
Second, I’m launching a new Tariff Advisory Team, drawing input and perspectives from different sectors of our economy most impacted by this new trade war. The team’s goal will be to develop a communication plan with strategies and concrete steps we can take to protect workers and businesses.
Third, I’ll be engaging with other mayors on both sides of the border to help build pressure within the U.S. to reverse course on this damaging trade war. We have many allies south of the border, and it’s critical to build alliances with those who understand the importance of trade and friendship between the U.S. and Canada.
From economic downturns and housing crises to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kingston has faced adversity before and emerged stronger every time. This moment is no different. We will adapt, innovate, and stand together to defend our community and economy. More importantly, we will support one another – protecting our families, friends, and neighbours. We have done it before, and we will do it again.