A Smart and Livable City: Setting the Standard for a 21st Century City
How we get there…
Creating a Culture of Smart Innovation
Investment in energy efficiency and harnessing new technologies, including; broadband fibre optics and GIS technology. Budget process that requires cost savings every year.
Building a Smart Economy
Construction of an innovation and entrepreneurship pipeline. Focusing on key sectors where we have a competitive advantage. Strategic investments; airport, third crossing, etc.
Fostering Smart and Livable Community Planning
Policies to encourage residential development in the downtown. Infrastructure renewal to accommodate further development. Brownfield redevelopment in the Williamsville corridor
and Inner Harbour.
Investing in Our Quality of Life
Rejuvenation of Rideau Heights neighbourhood. Redevelopment of Kingston Penitentiary site. Overarching plan to improve access to the waterfront.
Big Picture Thinking
Pursuing partnerships between the city and community players. Looking for opportunities to work together toward common goals. Meeting 100 community leaders in 100 days. Outreach from the Mayor’s Office – beyond Council and City Hall.
Council Strategic Planning Sessions.