Cutting Edge Assembly Technology – Transformix – Tour Stop #1

Transformix 2

Transformix Engineering, a local success story, was founded in 1995 by 3 brilliant engineers and dynamic entrepreneur, Peng Sang Cau. While a lot of people in Kingston know the Transformix name, not many people know exactly what the company does or why it has such great growth potential.

The Innovation

Transformix developed and patented a technology called CNCAssembly®. The technology is an automated assembly machine for global manufacturers in industries such as Consumers Packaged Goods, Medical Devices, Automotive, etc. If you think about products you see every day, like the pump on a container of soap or the spray head on a bottle of sunscreen, there are a number of small pieces that need to be put together. Transformix builds machines that assemble and inspect products like these at rates of 400 parts per minute, or almost 7 parts in 1 second!  CNCAssembly® has revolutionized world assembly automation with breakthroughs in speed, flexibility, precision and efficiency. This means big savings for manufacturers that want to assemble a variety of products and it means that they no longer need to go somewhere internationally for their production to stay competitive.

The Future

The assembly machines made by Transformix have attracted a lot of interest globally. During our tour we saw machines  destined for Germany, Brazil and the USA  and I met a few of their clients from Poland there to observe a final test run of their new assembly machine. Transformix sees itself as the ‘Tesla of Automation’ with a whole team of engineers (many of them Queen’s grads) who can build you an automated machine for just about any assembly task imaginable.

The Tour

If you know of a fresh or innovative approach being taken by a community group, organization or business, I want to hear about it. Connect with me on Twitter and Instagram by following @MayorPaterson and the hashtag #MITour.
