From the Mayor’s Chair – February 21

Check out the latest version of From the Mayor’s Chair, where I break down the decisions of Council in 3 minutes or less.

Highlights from the February 21 Council meeting include discussion and approval of an application for a zoning bylaw amendment at 1100 Princess Street to allow for the addition of a Tim Hortons, Council also approved a public art project at Lake Ontario Park to commemorate the relationship between the City of Kingston and Alderville First Nation, and finally Council approved a motion to approve the flying of Canadian flags at City Hall at the request of retiring military personnel at CFB Kingston who have served more than 25 years (see New Motion 1 on the agenda)

Watch the February 21 edition of From the Mayor’s Chair HERE

From the Mayor's Chair -

For previous From the Mayor’s Chair segments visit the media tab at the top of this website

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