Taking Care of Yourself and Each Other

I think it’s fair to say that for many of us, this is the toughest stretch of the pandemic so far. People are discouraged, fatigued, and dealing with incredible stress as public health restrictions continue to change. We all miss getting together with family and friends. The rollercoaster of COVID waves is creating a real strain on our mental health and so I just want to take a moment to emphasize how important it is to take care of yourself and to take care of each other right now.

If you’re struggling, you need to know that you’re not alone. One of the best things you can do is reach out to someone you trust and talk to them. If you’re managing okay, then I’d encourage you to call someone who may not be. There are also some really great resources available like Resolve Counselling services here in Kingston and ConnexOntario. You can also connect with Big White Wall, a peer support community, or work through a free self-help program offered by Bounce Back Ontario. You can get more information about each of these services by following the links in the comments below.

As the weather gets better, getting outside for fresh air and exercise is also really important. I know my family and I are making extra time for walks or bike rides. I know how tough this time is and so it’s especially important that we all take time for self-care, to check-in on one another, and to have open and honest conversations about where we’re at and how we’re coping.


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