What’s Your Idea for Kingston?

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I’m a big believer in the importance of two way communication between City Hall and residents. It’s vital that the city (and the mayor!) provide regular updates to the community on what projects we are working on, what decisions are being made at City Council and what changes people can expect. However, it’s equally important that the city regularly hears the opinions, questions and ideas of all Kingstonians.

I enjoy when a resident stops me on the street or in the grocery store to offer a great idea about how to make the city better. Now you can submit your idea for Kingston to a new online forum called “What is Your Idea”. The forum is part of the city’s new Get Involved webpage which you can find at: GetInvolved.CityofKingston.ca. Posting on the forum not only ensures myself and other city staff know about your idea, it also gives all Kingston residents a chance to see your idea, share it on social media, and vote on it. Creative ideas have already been posted about a city wide bike rack registry, how to improve Cataraqui Woods Park, and suggested locations for tour bus parking in the downtown.

The Get Involved website is also a one stop shop for providing your input on a whole range of current city projects. All you need to do is sign up once and then you can quickly and easily provide feedback on any listed project. Right now that includes everything from a survey on the city’s new bike share program, to ideas for revitalizing Richardson Beach, to input on the Vision Zero road safety program. I encourage all Kingstonians to sign up, get involved and provide us with your input and ideas to help make Kingston better!

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