Announcing City Council’s 2015-2018 Strategic Priorities

After two nights of planning and discussion, city council has established six priorities to guide us over the next four years. Council has adopted the vision of A Smart and Liveable 21st Century City as the guiding theme for these priorities moving forward. I am also happy to say council has prioritized the expansion of the airport and getting the Third Crossing shovel ready within our term. Now it’s time to get to work!

Here are the six priorities for the next four years:

  1. Create a Smart Economy – Establish Kingston as a leader in innovation and incubation to foster entrepreneurship, youth employment and an open-for business culture.
  2. Invest in Infrastructure – Get the Third Crossing shovel ready, expand the airport, create more affordable housing and expand multi-modal infrastructure that will encourage active transportation.
  3. Plan a Liveable City – Revitalize existing brownfields, promote intensification in the city’s core, and address homelessness and food security.
  4. Green the City – Create, connect and improve trails, pathways and green spaces across the city, including the K&P trail and intensify the urban forest.
  5. Advance a Vibrant Waterfront – Revitalize the inner harbour, facilitate the redevelopment of Kingston Penitentiary and expand public access to the waterfront.
  6. Foster Open Government – Improve our communication and public access to city data and council business in order to engage citizens and encourage participation in civic affairs.


One Response

  1. Eli DeParke says:

    Looks like a great set of priorities for the city that can be supported by many community leaders outside of City Hall too. Good leadership!

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