China Trip a Great Success


Our Team Kingston trip to China was a great success! The team included board members and staff from Kingston EDO, Queen’s University, the County of Frontenac, Utilities Kingston and the Ontario Agriculture Ministry. Together we met with company officials to enhance our relationship with Feihe and made important business and political connections.  

As Feihe gets ready to break ground this spring, and open the facility in 2019, we need to be ready with a supply chain that can support the business. Our trip was about understanding operations so we are ready as a community to support Feihe and maximize economic benefits for our city and the surrounding region. We had the opportunity to tour Feihe facilities, cow and goat farms, deepen our understanding of supply chain management and technical requirements for their existing plants.

I’ve received questions about expenses for the trip, each participant covered the cost of their airfare and hotel. 

My expenses totaled $4,391.38  

  • hotels = $1,426.14
  • travel (airfare and travel to Toronto)= $2,557.69
  • meals = $83.80
  • Chinese visa application fees = $323.75

The trip expenses will come out of the travel and conferences line of the mayor’s office budget. As this trip was at the invitation of Feihe, they covered the cost of the majority of meals and ground travel in China.

One Response

  1. Anne Vivian-Scott says:

    You are to be commended for your incredible frugality with respect to this trip! Ignore the silly uneducated comments from those who don’t understand that a $2500 ticket buys you nothing but cattle car on AC. Keep doing what you’re doing!

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