Refreshing Council’s Strategic Priorities

Early last year Kingston City Council came together to establish strategic priorities that would guide the work of the city over this council term that runs until the end of 2022. We developed an ambitious plan with five diverse but interconnected strategic priorities: strengthen economic development opportunities; increase housing affordability; demonstrate leadership on climate action; improve walkability, roads and transportation; and foster healthy citizens and vibrant spaces. Underneath of each of these priorities there are a number of different initiatives such as creating innovation hubs, facilitating an Indigenous cultural space, we have goals to reduce green house gas emissions, facilitate more housing construction, repair roads and sidewalks, and much more.

The current pandemic has had a major impact on our community and on city resources. It’s important that we now review our priorities in light of these emerging needs and constraints. To do that, we need your feedback. Do you think some of our priorities need to change in light of the challenges of COVID? Are there certain initiatives that should now be shifted to the back burner? Are there other initiatives that are now more important and more urgent than ever? You can provide your comments on the city’s Get Involved web page until September the 15th. Your input will help myself and the rest of City Council as we review our priorities and set a refreshed course for the city in the months ahead.

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