The Race is on in the Countryside District By-Election

by-election - May 15 2017

The race for the new councilor of Countryside District is officially underway! Nominations for the by-election officially closed this afternoon, so we can expect to see  election signs start to appear across the rural area of the city. There are seven individuals who have put their name forward to be the next councilor for Countryside! In alphabetical order the candidates are:

  • Ameer Baig
  • Scott Burton
  • Louis Cyr
  • Joyce MacLeod-Kane
  • Gary Oosterhof
  • Karen Pagratis
  • Jeff Scott

This by-election race promises to be very exciting, with lots of opportunity for rural residents of the city to raise the issues that are of the greatest concern to them. I encourage all residents of Countryside to get informed and get out to vote.

Voting day is on Monday May 15 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., with an advanced voting day scheduled for Saturday May 6 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. More information on how and where to vote can be found on the city website at

The winner of the by-election will be sworn in as the new Countryside Councilor on June 6 and will then join City Council in making significant decisions on issues including  the Kingston Penitentiary Visioning and the Third Crossing.

Good luck to all the candidates and I look forward to welcoming a new member to our Council in the coming weeks!

One Response

  1. Vicki Ruthven says:

    I have been watching for an all candidates meeting or town hall debate or discussion and can’t see that there is one. Do you know of anyhing planned?

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