We’re Building the Third Crossing! So, what happens next?

TC We're Building It

This week we received official confirmation that the federal government is committing $60 million for the Third Crossing! Together with the $60 million secured from the province and the $60 million the city approved, all of the funding is in place for this much needed bridge across the Cataraqui River. After 50 years of debate and discussion about the Third Crossing, now the work begins to build it!

So what happens next? First, the city will issue an RFP for the final design and construction of the Third Crossing. It will likely take around 6 months to select the right project management team, and it’s very important that we select the team with the best technical and financial expertise to ensure that the bridge is built on time and on budget. Once that team is in place, the final design work begins, which would then set the stage for a groundbreaking in mid-2019 and completion of the bridge in early 2022.

This is an incredibly significant moment for Kingston, as we now embark on the largest infrastructure project in our city’s history. I want to thank both MP Gerretsen and MPP Kiwala, each of whom have worked tirelessly to help secure the federal and provincial funds required for this project. I would also especially like to thank city staff for all of their work putting together the case for the Third Crossing and their work bringing the federal and provincial governments to the table.

I encourage all Kingstonians to stay engaged with this project in the months to come, especially as we work through the final design elements for the project and start to consider name options for the bridge. You can check out https://www.cityofkingston.ca/city-hall/projects-construction/third-crossing for the latest information throughout the course of the project. I am really looking forward to a new crossing that will connect people across our city and to a new bridge we can all be proud of.