A Local Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Over the last week I’ve received many phone calls and emails from residents and groups across Kingston asking about what we can do as a community to respond to the Syrian refugee crisis.  While this is certainly a national issue, in my view this is one of those times where we can think globally but act locally.

To do this, I am encouraging all Kingston residents to offer their support to a local organization called Save a Family from Syria. This local group has brought together several faith-based organizations to raise funds to sponsor the resettlement of Syrian families in Kingston.  In 2014, the group raised $70,000 and successfully resettled a Syrian refugee family in Kingston and is expecting a second family at the end of September.

Additional funds are needed to sponsor more families in their move to Kingston. Every $40,000 raised by the community supports the settlement of a Syrian family in the Kingston community. Funds donated cover the costs of resettlement, living accommodations, clothing, medical attention and help to become employment-ready.

If you are interested in supporting this initiative you can contact Save a Family from Syria directly at info@saveafamilyfromsyria.org and to make a donation you can visit www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/fourriverspresbytery/

Kingston is a generous and welcoming community. Together we can provide a new start, new opportunities and a welcoming home for families in need of support!


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