A New Economic Development Strategy for Kingston

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the biggest economic disruption since the Great Depression, and many sectors of our local economy have been hit especially hard. We are working to help local businesses and workers respond to the immediate challenges they face, while also working on strategies to bring our economy back better and stronger on the other side of this pandemic. On this latter front, the City and the Kingston Economic Development Corporation have been working together over the last six months on a new integrated economic development strategy. This is a plan to create jobs, grow existing businesses and attract new companies in areas where our community has a competitive advantage.

The economic development strategy now being considered will look to grow clusters of business activity and innovation in several key areas: sustainable manufacturing, health care innovation and in creative industries like arts, culture and film. The strategy would look to leverage the strengths of existing businesses, entrepreneurs and our local universities and colleges to attract new opportunities. There are other important details, but what matters first and foremost is that this is a community strategy. Although the survey has now closed, you can stay involved and get up-to-date information at: https://getinvolved.cityofkingston.ca/integrated-economic-development-strategy

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