Building Tiny Homes in Kingston

Housing affordability continues to be a top priority for myself and City Council. We’re working on a number of different policies and strategies to provide lower cost housing options. One recommendation from the Mayor’s Taskforce on Housing was to explore opportunities to build tiny homes which are smaller and more affordable than other traditional types of housing. At our City Council meeting this week, we approved a new partnership with Habitat for Humanity (HFH) for a pilot project to build eight tiny homes here on MacCauley Street just down from the Rideau Heights Community Centre.

HFH has been active in Kingston for many years. They’re able to build homes at lower costs by using donated labour and materials which in turn translates into more affordable housing options. With this partnership, the City will donate this parcel of land and provide funding to cover development charges and other planning and engineering fees. This will allow the construction of eight tiny homes between 350 and 500 square feet with a layout similar to a studio apartment. HFH with then work with the City and other partners to house individuals on the social housing waitlist and will have rates for either for rental or home ownership that are geared to income. With this initiative, together with the Homes for Heroes project that will offer tiny homes for military veterans, we’re taking an important step forward to develop creative and quality affordable housing options. I’m looking forward to seeing construction begin.

One Response

  1. Marty Schlosser says:

    Major Patterson, I am so excited to see the projects that you and our City Council members have been coming up with to tackle our city’s homeless challenge. Tiny homes are but one of the many possible solutions, and HfH is a great partner to help move this initiative forward. Thank you for the progress you’ve made thus far. “The longest journey begins with the first step.”

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