Federal Election – Keeping the Focus Local – second edition

As I posted last week, the federal election is now well underway and I want to see important local issues front and centre to ensure our community’s key priorities that requiring federal partnership can be achieved.

I have reached out to all local candidates in both the Kingston and the Islands and Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston ridings, the two ridings that represent the City of Kingston.

In my interactions with the candidates I asked them to respond to three questions on important issues in Kingston; the Third Crossing, the future of federal properties in our community and what local priorities requiring federal partnership they will prioritize.

Here are the questions I posed and the responses I have received to date from candidates from the riding of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston.

Question 1 – The Third Crossing over the Cataraqui River is an important and much needed infrastructure project for the city of Kingston and the surrounding region. Because of the scale of this project, partnership with the provincial and federal government will be essential. Do you support the construction of the Third Crossing, and if so, tell us about what you would do to help secure the necessary funding to cover 1/3 of the cost (currently estimated at approx. $40 million) of the Third Crossing?

Phil Archambault, Liberal The Third Crossing is a large infrastructure expenditure in the transportation category while KP and the Marine Museum site may have potential as a blend of tourism and mixed use.
I would be inappropriate for me to decide on percentages of funding for various projects of
different types because each should be considered on its own merits and as they relate to
overall funding envelopes. I will fight for our fair share of these funds regardless of final

Anita Payne, Green The Green Party is committed to dedicating one percentage point of GST revenue to municipal infrastructure projects. Kingston’s Third Crossing project would be one that I would support for such funding, provided that the bridge includes safe access for pedestrians and cyclists.

Scott Reid, Conservative The City of Kingston, and its surrounding area, contains more infrastructure of federal importance than most other cities its size, from the crossings of the Cataraqui River and Rideau Canal system, to the local correctional infrastructure, national historic sites, and the Royal Military College, to name a few. Clearly, the proper maintenance and handling of federally-important infrastructure, whether they be properties or roads, highways, and bridges, requires that representatives of all three levels of government can work cooperatively and are engaged in open communication. Read more here…

Question 2 – There are a number of federal properties in Kingston the federal government is looking to divest, such as the Marine Museum property and the former Kingston Penitentiary site. If elected as our MP, what role would you play in working with the Kingston community on the future of these important sites?

Phil Archambault, Liberal A Liberal government is committed to working with all levels of government and with the citizens of Kingston and area for the benefit of the entire region.
The Third Crossing, the importance of the historic Marine Museum site and especially the
transformation of Kingston Penitentiary to an iconic tourist attraction are all priorities. It is up to the residents of the Kingston area and, in the case of KP, especially those in Portsmouth Village to have their say on how any reconfiguration of these assets will benefit their neighborhood, their community and their city. Read more here…

Anita Payne, Green As MP for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, I would support Nathan Townend’s proposal for a tourism hub around a distillery district on the former Kingston Penitentiary site as well as a deep water port and international sailing centre. In Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, I would work with local farmers to re-open the prison farm at Joyceville. It was a mistake for the Conservative government to shut down a facility that was making a profit, providing local food and making a positive contribution to the rehabilitation of inmates.

Scott Reid, Conservative There exist formal legal obligations on the federal governments to maintain certain key elements of sites and buildings that have been designated as historically important. In the case of the Kingston Penitentiary, for example, a fair number of on-site buildings are historically significant. I would hope to ensure that, in any sale and redevelopment of the site, the plan would take steps to retain certain heritage structures, perhaps including the front gate, the main dome and the north cell block, for example, so that the site both continues to provide a link to that historical legacy while also serving the needs and wishes of the local residents. Read more here…

Question 3 Many local priorities require federal partnership and participation, such as investment in affordable housing, transit, tourism and economic development. Tell us about your local priorities and about any specific Kingston projects that you plan to focus on as MP.

Phil Archambault, Liberal If elected, my job is to make sure the Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston gets its fair share! And I will!

The Liberal plan will have three distinct eligibility areas:
1. Public transit infrastructure
2. Social infrastructure
3. Green infrastructure 
Read More…

Anita Payne, Green The Green Party plans to implement a National Housing Strategy to end homelessness and subsidize private developers to include affordable housing in their projects. We would develop a National Transportation Strategy; re-invest in national rail systems; and increase federal funds to public transit, pedestrian, cycling, and car-sharing infrastructure in towns & cities. We would fund “Green Cities” initiatives to reduce sprawl and conserve energy and water.
The Green Party will invest in a sustainable economy. A revenue neutral carbon fee and dividend system will encourage investment in renewable energy and create local businesses to retrofit all buildings for energy efficiency. A Green Venture Capital Fund will support viable local green business startups. Read more here…

Scott Reid, Conservative The federal government is of course rather active in the areas that you mention, be it through transit and infrastructure funds, the federal tourism strategy, programs through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, or FedDev Ontario. However, my personal interest lies more in assisting our rural communities with the particular needs that they have, and I hope to focus my energies on the non-governmental side of life in the rural areas of Kingston that I will be representing. Read more here…

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