Getting Involved in Your Community: Apply for a City Committee or Board

City of Kingston Committee Recruitment - apply now!

As mayor I have the great privilege of meeting and interacting with local volunteers every day. I am continually impressed by the wealth of knowledge and talent among Kingston residents and the willingness to use those talents toward the betterment of our community.

City Council has set forward an exciting vision to make Kingston a smart and livable city. To be successful it will require a collective effort, where we all work together to realize our full potential as a community.

One important way that you can help us build a smart and livable city is by lending your talents to a city committee or board. It’s not a big time commitment – often just one meeting a month. It’s a great way to connect with other like-minded people in the city and contribute to making Kingston an even better place to live!

Right now there are openings on a whole range of committees – KEDCO, the city’s heritage committee, the housing and homelessness committee, our city’s environmental advisory forum – to name just a few. So, whether you have a background in local history, economic development, environmental issues or housing and social services, there is bound to be a committee that can benefit from your skills, experience and passion.

To find out what boards or committees might interest you, please see the list and short descriptions below. Once you know what committees you’d like to apply for, follow this link and fill out the online form.

Thanks for putting your name forward to serve on a committee or board and helping to make Kingston a smart and livable city!

Appeals Committee The Appeals Committee deals with property standards orders and building code matters across the city. Members of the committee hear appeals from property owners on these issues and then make judgments accordingly.

Belle Park Working Group The Belle Park working group provides City staff with advice on the programs and services offered at Belle Park Fairways. This working group will provide feedback related to the following Belle Park functions; maintenance, programming, events and potential partnerships, advertising and marketing opportunities, and capital renovations or upgrades.

Housing and Homelessness Advisory Committee The Housing and Homelessness Advisory Committee provides advice to Council regarding housing and homelessness related policies, directives and strategies – including the implementation of the Municipal Housing Strategy and the 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan.

Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum (KEAF) Members of the Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum (KEAF) provide feedback and advice to assist the City in preparing its environmental strategy. KEAF plays an important role in supporting the community vision of becoming Canada’s most sustainable city.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation (KEDCO) Board of Directors KEDCO provides leadership to drive economic development and tourism marketing in the City of Kingston. Board members play an advisory role, reviewing expenditures and providing feedback to help guide the economic development activities pursued by KEDCO.

KEDCO Review Committee In response to recent interest expressed in Kingston’s economic development, a committee is being formed to conduct a review of KEDCO’s mandate, operations and structure of the organization. In its review process, this committee will ensure the organization is delivering services that are of value to the city and aligned with City of Kingston Strategic Priorities.

Kingston Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Town Homes Kingston) Town Homes Kingston provides safe, affordable, mixed income housing at seven city locations. Members of this board oversee the operations of Town Homes Kingston.

Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee The Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC) is legislated by the Province of Ontario under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001 (AODA). This committee reports to Council on accessibility issues by providing valuable perspectives and advice on the challenges and opportunities for people living with disabilities.   

Municipal Heritage Committee The Municipal Heritage Committee provides feedback and advice on matters of cultural and built heritage. Members of this committee share a passion for conserving the City’s rich heritage and bring with them various levels of experience and knowledge in archaeology, heritage conservation and city planning.

Taxi Commission The Taxi Commission is responsible for the licensing, regulation and governance of taxi drivers and owners in both the City of Kingston and the former Ernestown Township.

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