A report from Statistics Canada shows that Kingston has experienced by far the highest growth in the value of building permits issued compared to every other city in Canada! This table (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/190709/t003a-eng.htm) shows that building permits issued in our community increased by a whopping 445% between May of 2018 to May 2019. This is great news because it means that lots of new housing is on the way. An increase in the supply of housing is exactly what we need to get the vacancy rate up to a healthy level and address the affordability of housing in Kingston.
New construction is spread out across the city and consists of different types of housing, from new apartment buildings along the Williamsville corridor in midtown, to new seniors residences, townhouses and duplexes in the west end. The City normally approves just under 600 permits for residential units per year. However, this year the City has already approved over 800 permits in the first six months! I’m looking forward to recommendations from the Mayor’s Taskforce on Housing so we can ensure this is the level of housing construction we maintain going forward.