New Transit Express Routes: Better Options for Getting Around Kingston

I’m very pleased to announce that this coming Monday, we will be launching two new express bus routes in the city. Our first express bus route has been an enormous success, and now we are building on that success with route 601/602 that provides a quick trip from the east end to the downtown, and route 701/702 that will make it much easier and faster to get from the north end of Division St. all the way to the west end.

These new express routes matter because they make transit a more convenient option for many residents. I’m a big believer in the power of choice, and with these new express bus routes, you now have more choice and better options, which is good for everyone. That doesn’t mean that we declare war on the car. We still need to invest in roads and parking spaces downtown, because we know that for many people driving their car is still their preferred option.

For those of you that haven’t used transit before, why not give it a try? With express bus service every 15 minutes, it’s quick, it’s easy, it’s reliable and you can send texts and emails along the way! I normally drive from my home into downtown, but on Monday, you’ll find me on the express bus. Hope that you will join me!

express transit


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