Exploring Redevelopment Options for KP & POH

We’ve reached an exciting phase in the visioning process for Kingston Penitentiary and Portsmouth Olympic Harbour. This week public workshops were held to explore and develop potential options for the property. Four options – all with different ways that we could mix heritage, green space, marina access and other new developments – were explored to highlight the full range of possibilities for the KP and POH site.  

Here’s a snapshot of the four options community members explored:

Option 1 – all existing buildings on the KP site conserved, taller new buildings, and existing marina building removed and integrated into a new building.   



Option 2 – existing buildings on the KP site adapted for re-use, new public street though the site, some taller new buildings and marina building and slips on the east side (instead of existing west side placement)


Option 3 – heritage buildings on the KP site adapted for re-use, modern buildings demolished, multiple public streets added, new mid-rise buildings and marina building maintained on the west side.  


Option 4 – some but not all heritage buildings on the KP site adapted for re-use, modern buildings demolished, full grid of streets added, lower new buildings and marina remaining on the east side with a new building.


Each of these options will soon be posted on the city’s website – www.cityofkingston.ca/city-hall/projects-construction/kingston-pen/consultation – asking Kingstonians for their comments, likes and dislikes about each. The idea is not to vote on these four options, but rather to create a preferred redevelopment plan that incorporates the best elements from each option.

This is a exciting opportunity for all Kingston residents to help shape the final vision for KP and Portsmouth Olympic Harbour, so share your ideas and make your voice heard!

One Response

  1. Clement Couture says:

    I cannot resist expressing my regrets for the reduced swimming area at Lake Ontario Park.
    (Check the photos of the fifties and sixties of Lake Ontario Park swimming area.)

    Now the City plans some adjustments to the area behind the water plant on King St. for a swimming area.
    Here is a idea. How about some area for swimming and park to compliment some of the features
    being proposed for the marina/ pen area.

    Please respond, as I would like to understand what I do not understand.

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