Third Crossing Shovel Ready in 2017

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At this week’s council meeting, City Council took the final step to get the Third Crossing project ‘shovel ready’ by approving the development of a business plan for the project.

The development of a business plan will include a cost-benefit analysis, weighing the benefits against the expected construction and maintenance costs. The business plan will also finalize financial details to prepare the Third Crossing to be put out for bids from construction firms.

With the approval of this phase (see summary of project phases below) of the project we expect to see the Third Crossing ‘shovel ready’ one year from now. When the project is shovel ready City Council will then be in a position to formally request funding from the province and the federal government to make this project a reality. In the meantime, I will continue engaging as many provincial and federal ministers as I can, to inform them about this critical infrastructure project and what it will mean for Kingston.

The Third Crossing is the largest single infrastructure project ever considered for Kingston, and so it’s very important to me that all residents in our city have a chance to learn about the details of this project and provide their input. The City has an updated the Third Crossing project page on the city website hereThis new page has been designed to keep you informed as the project progresses and identify opportunities to provide your ideas about elements of the project, find this under the ‘consultation’ tab of the site. I am looking forward to the public open house in September when the draft design concept for the bridge, roadway and landscape will be presented!

Here’s a quick overview of the project phases:

  • Phase I: Environmental assessment and the action plan (2009 to 2013)
  • Phase II: Preliminary design (February 2016 to May 2017)
    • January 2016: Contract awarded for preliminary design
  • Phase III: Business plan (May 2016 to March 2017)
    • April 2016: Business Plan development approved
  • Phase IV: Detailed design
    • This plan will be developed if council directs staff to move forward with the project.


For more information on the project and the specifics of these phases. Please visit

One Response

  1. Cameron Eckert says:

    Shovel Ready is not only a stupid comment it is untrue.When you have the money in the bank then you can proceed not before.It is a political comment totally lacking in transparency that finds daily usage in reports from your office

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