Category: Uncategorised

A New Vision for the Inner Harbour & Old Industrial Area

Next week is the official launch of the North King’s Town visioning exercise which will create a plan for the redevelopment of Kingston’s Inner Harbour and the Old Industrial Area (see the map below). This visioning exercise is an opportunity for residents to share their input and feedback for the future of a part of…
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From the Mayor’s Chair – May 17

Check out the latest version of From the Mayor’s Chair, where I break down the decisions of Council in 3 minutes or less. Highlights from the May 17 Council meeting include Council’s unanimous approval of the partnership between the City of Kingston, Correctional Service Canada and St. Lawrence Parks Commission for summer tours at Kingston Penitentiary. Council also…
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Kingston Penitentiary Open for Tours This Summer!

Today I am thrilled to announce Kingston Penitentiary will be open for tours starting in mid-June and running throughout the summer. I know this will be exciting news not only for Kingston residents eager to get a glimpse inside the tall walls of the penitentiary, it also promises to be a huge attraction for tourist…
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Let’s Chat! Introducing #MayorChats

I want to chat with you – and i’m coming to you to do it! I am thrilled to launch a new outreach initiative today called Chats with the Mayor. I know Kingstonians care deeply about our community. I also know Kingston residents are busy. That’s why I am launching an initiative to connect with Kingstonians where…
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VIA Rail upgrades Kingston service: the making of a regional hub

Last week the President and CEO of VIA Rail, Yves Desjardins-Siciliano, was in Kingston to discuss the future of passenger rail service across the country and the exciting enhancements we will see in our local service, into and out of Kingston. Currently, VIA Rail service in Kingston is restricted both by limited track space for…
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From the Mayor’s Chair – May 3

Check out the latest version of From the Mayor’s Chair, where I break down the decisions of Council in 3 minutes or less. Highlights from the May 3 Council meeting include a a focus on National Youth Week, May 1-7. Members of the Y2K Kingston Youth Strategy presented the city with an award recognizing Kingston as…
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The Future of the Marine Museum

The Marine Museum is a valued institution that plays an important role, alongside many other Kingston museums, in highlighting our local history and culture. Back in January the federal government sold the waterfront property including the Marine Museum and dry dock to Jay Patry Enterprises.  This week we learned that the Marine Museum has been…
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Third Crossing Shovel Ready in 2017

At this week’s council meeting, City Council took the final step to get the Third Crossing project ‘shovel ready’ by approving the development of a business plan for the project. The development of a business plan will include a cost-benefit analysis, weighing the benefits against the expected construction and maintenance costs. The business plan will…
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From the Mayor’s Chair – April 19

Check out the latest version of From the Mayor’s Chair, where I break down the decisions of Council in 3 minutes or less. Highlights from the April 19  Council meeting include a continued debate about the introduction of red light cameras in Kingston. Council deferred the decision on red light cameras  to ask staff to develop a strategic road safety program…
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Ranked Ballot – What Do You Think?

The Ontario government recently announced municipalities will have the option of using a ranked ballot for future municipal elections as part of the changes proposed to the Municipal Elections Act. If passed, Kingston would have the authority to use ranked ballot voting as early as the 2018 municipal election. Changing how our voting system works…
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