Community Updates

Keeping the Focus Local – Federal Election 2019

With election day drawing near, I want to make sure local issues are front and centre, particularly those which require partnership between the City and the federal government. I’ve now had a chance to meet with all of the candidates running to be the next Member of Parliament for Kingston and the Islands, and here…
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Recent Third Crossing Developments

Work is underway on either shore as well as installation of the turtle fencing and the turbidity curtain in the water. Check out this video highlighting some of the most recent developments!

The Future of the LaSalle Causeway

With construction of the Third Crossing underway, now is the time to talk about another critical link across the Cataraqui River: the LaSalle Causeway. The Causeway is owned by the federal government and has been the major link between the City’s east end and downtown. It is expensive to operate and because of its age,…
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Horseshoe Highlights – At Council with Mayor Paterson – October 2nd

Additional Information: Agenda  Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Residential Parking and Driveways Disaster Mitigation and Adaption Fund – Contribution Agreements

Taking Concrete Action on Climate

Last week we saw climate strikes and other gatherings around the world including here in Kingston. Declarations and demonstrations are important to call attention to the need for action on climate. What matters most, and what we need to be measuring, is action and real steps towards reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. That’s why I’m proud to…
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Making Active Transportation More Convenient

An important part of smart growth in Kingston includes making it easier, safer and more convenient for residents to walk, cycle or take transit. Active transportation options are cheaper than car travel, they reduce greenhouse gas emissions and they promote healthier lifestyles. The first step in promoting active transportation is to design the city so…
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Horseshoe Highlights – At Council with Mayor Paterson – September 18th

Additional Information: Agenda  Belle Park Master Plan Active Transportation 5-Year Implementation Plan

A New Future for Belle Park

At our meeting next week, City Council will be looking to approve final plans for a new Belle Park. This park is one of the City’s largest, with lots of green space and waterfront, and it’s also an easy walk from downtown to the south and from the Third Crossing to the north. This park…
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A Plan for New Affordable Housing in the City Core

Housing remains one of my top priorities. I want to ensure different types of housing are built across all areas of our city. That includes making significant investments in affordable housing, where the city works with both private developers and non-profit agencies to provide rental housing options to lower income households. I’m happy to report…
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Horseshoe Highlights – At Council with Mayor Paterson – September 4th

Additional Information: Agenda  Discounted Fees for Municipal Programs and Services  Development of Affordable Housing – 1316-1318 Princess Street  2019 Budget Update – County of Frontenac Services