Kingston Penitentiary Visioning Exercise

Arial view of Kingston Penitentiary site

Today I am very excited to announce a community visioning exercise for Kingston Penitentiary, led by Canada Lands Company in partnership with the City of Kingston, to take place in 2016. This visioning exercise is a critical step towards crafting a new future for the KP property and surrounding properties, including the Portsmouth Olympic Harbour.

I am very pleased the federal government has chosen to partner with the city on this visioning exercise and that our community will have a voice in determining its future. The City of Kingston will work in collaboration with Canada Lands Company, the federal government agency responsible for development and disposal of strategic surplus federal properties, to deliver the community visioning exercise. The visioning process will include the KP property, owned by Correctional Services Canada, the adjacent property and waterlot, owned by Fisheries and Oceans, and the City of Kingston owned lands at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour. By examining all sites together we can establish a single, cohesive plan for this entire segment of Kingston’s waterfront.

This visioning process will give all Kingston residents a voice in what the future of these properties will look like. Although the details of the visioning exercise plan still have to be worked out, the aim is to engage the public in a number of ways using the City’s website, social media and public meetings. We will share the plan as soon as it is developed.

The redevelopment of KP together with Portsmouth Olympic Harbour represents an enormous opportunity to create an incredible tourist destination, to provide access to a beautiful piece of waterfront and to facilitate new development that will bring a refreshed vibrancy to the Portsmouth Village area and to the city as a whole.

As we look forward to 2016, stay tuned for your chance to provide input!

Read the press release here – Visioning Exercise Announced for Important City of Kingston Waterfront Properties Including the Former Kingston Penitentiary

KP front gate

One Response

  1. Dixie Dittburner says:

    I have been following the future of Portsmouth Harbour and Kingston Pen from Italy. We are so immeresed in the history and preservation of their history of which they are so proud and work endlessly to preserve as it was in the past. Kingston also has a past history, granted much younger which we too should preserve and maintain to show to the tourists which would come to enjoy. Kingston seems to be determined to destroy its past and put up new high rises and town houses where ever there is an open area and if no space available to take down the obstructing buildings or walls. If only the council and developers could preserve the wonderful past which once destroyed can not be restored, keep out modern traffic and maintain the feeling of the past. I did already send my rant to the paper and I am sure I am not the only Kingstonian who feels this way. There are cities all over the world full of high rises and subdivisions but only one with the Kingston Pen and Harbour and the history the city has, let’s show it off and preserve it for future generations.
    Dixie Dittburner. Portsmouth

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